Friday, May 1, 2009

Microsoft Laptop Ads Jump The Shark

I had to hold myself from laughing hysterically at the budding film maker. As an amateur at this whole video thing, I've just been amazed at the capability offered in iMovie, and yes, Mac OSX . . . a personal computer with a real operating system. This ad was the one that truly will completely re-write credibility with many people, because a lot of "PC" people recognize the Apple platforms for video/graphics/etc. To proclaim their "film maker" going to use yet another HP system . . . it's just sad.

I think Fonzie is warming up the bike. VAROOM!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009 -- Greater Kansas City Technology and Ministry Association

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

God Is In Charge

Some of the headlines that I read nowadays would have really scared me a few years back . . . but it's all a part of God's plan and he's in charge at all times. The latest things that seem to be showing up on our radar are the number of newspapers struggling and going under. There are a number of cities losing major newspapers. It's hard to think in terms of balance in reporting of information -- one editorial I read lamented the loss of actual reporters, most news being regurgitated from blogs/etc.. from people pointing and clicking for the info. That combined with the economic woes, and other despair would is leading people to think desperately and seek a way out. I just know that no matter what the circumstances, God is always on his throne. Now is the time for the church (that is the body of Christ -- all of his followers regardless of religion/denomination/etc...) to stand together and share the gospel with as many as we can before we lose that opportunity. Eternity is a very long time.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Friday, March 27, 2009

Too Cool For A Mac?

This is just a funny little barage in the Microsoft marketing campaign . . . where's Seinfield and Bill again? LOL

I really enjoyed this commercial . . . she's too cool for a Mac . . .driving her little VW around . . . oof. I know every time I show someone how the Mac works and they know the pain/agony they've experienced on the Windows side of things . . . there's a new convert. I was a died in the wool Microsoft fantatic . . . I can remember going to the IE 4.0 launch parties . . . all the "wow" stuff . . . and the endless promises. I bought my first Mac in December 2007 (an iMac/Intel) and despite the price, the OS/system/features/etc... all pointed to a much better value over any Windows based system I had ever owned. I've done it all, from white boxes (generic) to big brand ones (Gateway/Dell/HP/Sony) and I'm still blown away by Mac's usefulness. I have a very old G3 Mac at work that I still use on a daily basis. My Sony Vaio laptop choked under just the restore disks for Windows and updates . . . . writing off perfectly good hardware.

Someday I'm going to swap to a Mac based laptop -- but for now my Dell Inspiron 1100 will trundle along nicely using Fedora Core 9 (Linux). I don't consider myself cool or anything for using the best technology, and in the court of frugality, I realized that my time is money. I've spent $THOUSANDS$ dealing with Windows issues. Go get yourself that $699 HP there Punky . . . and I'm sure it'll be at the GeekSquad counter getting virus protection updates and malware fixes soon. *Sigh*

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Kicking Tech Team Into High Gear

If anything, I'd consider 2008 a year of getting our bearing and moving forward a bit. In 2009 I'm definitely looking forward to getting a solid tech team together and spearheading a lot of projects. To the best of my knowledge, we have no budget, so we've had some creative liberties here and there (and a road trip or two) to make things work. The child check-in program is working great, but I have future plans for it. The web site re-do is still on the back burner, and we just recently had space made available at church for a dedicated tech room area.

The first thing we need to work on is getting people involved and plugged into helping with various tech related activities. The promotional video to get people interested has been created and will start being shown.

One topic that I'm investigating currently is video creation. Currently we have the equipment to do videos of the sermons on Sunday morning, but the problem stems from post-production timeframes. For an hour long service, you would need to include the Powerpoint slides and other things, including the potential for multiple camera angles. This is all possible but the time to do this on a consistent basis with the limited resources (namely talent/time) is overwhelming. The way to circumvent that issue would be to do the processing on the fly -- mixing a live "show" to tape. The 9 AM service could be used to for notes/etc.. and then the 10:45 the actual live recording. Multiple cameras and the Powerpoint slides could be mixed live and recorded -- greatly reducing the time it would take in post-production time.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Slight hiatus

I've been out of the blogging here for a while because of the holidays and the rapid work we were doing on the new child check-in system for Heartland Church. The new system is called "Solomon" for his wise wisdom, and the interesting story of how he determined a birth mother. Akoloutheo was just too much of a mouthful . . . I think this new name fits the program much better. Here's the new page on it: