Thursday, August 7, 2008

CAUTION: God at work

Last night I spent the most amazing night working on a new promotional video for the Online Gathering area at Heartland Church. Peggy and I recorded about four minutes of video to make the just over a 70 second production with live shots as well as screen captures. Jim Hoopingarner, our music leader, sent me a instrumental snippet that immediately set the tempo and ideas loose in my head. Peggy got to be the "hand model" (a thinly guised reference to Joey from Friends there) and type away. I did just a little editing to extend out the sound bite that Jim sent and then used a stock "attention grabber" there at the beginning.

The most amazing part of this was how easily it went together. Some times I have that little "well, maybe I didn't need a Mac" twinge, but lat night's marathon editing session squashed any qualms that I might have. I was able to go from Audacity, to iPhoto, to capturing screen shots, and then to iMovie and never had a hiccup. The best part was when I was fiddling with the music to get the timing about right. That left a gap at the beginning of the video, so I looked in the stock sound library and found one. It was going to be way too long but I simply dragged the clip up to where it needed to fit and the Mac/software/etc... did exactly what it needed to. It simply worked. No arguments, no fiddling, no fussing and NO WINDOWS!!!!

Want to see the clip in it's final glory on the web? You can see it here:

I can't take any responsibility for this. I recorded video and was envisioning what I wanted it to be, but my camera skills are a little lacking. I was disappointed at first in my abilities and what I was expecting, but I prayed for God to take what I had and work it into something for his glory. I can't describe how easy it was. I was able to point and click . . . it just all fell together. I know a small part of that is the Mac's ease of use, but I contribute all of it to God working through Peggy and I last night. She was watching over my shoulder and offering help and encouragement also. It was just a magical night and one very needed after so many recent events. I'm very blessed.

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